Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sometimes I just don't understand

Well the last few days have been interesting. I have gotten into at least two fights with WBK, which makes me up. Then the gas was turned off, so cold showers for last two day. And then my landlord told me that if BasementRoommate tried to sue us, he would love to defend us again her. (He's a lawyer)

WBK told me this morning that I was almost a perfect girlfriend (that makes me a bit nervous) and I would be ever more perfect if I wanted to learn about cars. I told him that I wanted him to teach me everything he knows. He seems very interested and loves it. I wish I was that way about something. I can be about books and series of books. But right now I have no book to read. I promised my cousin I would read Twilight. So I guess that's the next book on this list. But anyway, his face lights up when ever we talk about cars. And I wish I had that. I really only light up when I talk about him. He seriously makes me so happy. Sometimes he just looks at me and makes me feel beautiful.

Today my mum, WBK, and I are picking up a kitchen table, since BasementRoommate took the other one. I honestly don't want to, but I am sure I will be fine later. Really all I want to do is take a hot shower instead of a freezing cold one. And I really want to have sex. It's only been since Sunday, but he really wanted it last night and I would have given it if it wasn't so late.

That's enough for now...A bit bored

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